Haslach an der Mühl:
Are you urgently looking for a childcare place for your child? In the municipality of Haslach a.d. Mühl there is a toddler group in the parish home and a childminder.
Tagesmutter_Petra_Bindeus_Infoblatt.pdf herunterladen (0.11 MB)
For more information, please contact Ms. Judith Daniel-Auberger from the association of childminders in Rohrbach
Phone: 0680/4020247
E-Mail: tagesmuetter-rohrbach@aon.at
Web: https://www.tagesmuetter-ooe.org/rohrbach/
Der Spiegel – meeting point Kleinzell is for parents with children from about 6 months to kindergarten entry. You can join our currently 3 playgroups at any time! The playgroups are held fortnightly in our playgroup room, which is located above the multi-purpose hall. (Duration: approx. 2 hours each). The cost per child is €3.50 and €1.50 for each sibling. (Parent training vouchers can be redeemed!) The playgroup management team is looking forward to numerous participation in the playgroups!
Contact person: Höller Manuela
Phone: 0681/103 107 45
E-Mail: spiegeltreffpunkt_kleinzell@gmx.at
Nursery in Lembach
Contact person: Doris Eibl
Address: Pfarrgasse 3, 4132 Lembach i.M.
Phone: (07286) 82 49
E-Mail: KS413107@pfarrcaritas-kita.at
The nursery is open Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Friday from 7 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
SPIEGEL playgroup – meeting point Lembach
In the basement of the parish center in Lembach, there are currently 3 play groups for children from around 7 months to kindergarten age. Here, mothers and fathers find space to meet like-minded people and exchange family topics. Children learn to understand the world through play.
Contact person: Verena Wilhelm
Address: Pfarrzentrum Lembach, Marktpl. 13, 4132 Lembach im Mühlkreis
Phone: 07286 8214
E-Mail: spiegel.lembach@gmx.at
Nursery of Neufelden
Contact person: Andrea Goss
Address: Marktplatz 12, 4120 Neufelden
Phone: 07282/5001, 0664/6482950
E-Mail: kindergarten.neufelden@miex.cc
Opening hours: Monday to Freitag: from 7:00 to 13:00 Uhr.