In our district, Rohrbach, there are good opportunities available to find work and employment in a wide variety of fields. The first point of contact is the AMS Rohrbach (job market service).
You can find information and advice on finding a job here:
AMS Rohrbach, Haslacher Straße 7, 4150 Rohrbach-Berg
Phone: 050 904 440
An equally important information source is the WIF (Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut) (= Economic Research Institute):
WIFI, Haslacher Straße 4, 4150 Rohrbach
Phone 059 090 9565
There you will receive a list of companies with vacancies. It shows who is urgently needed in which company.
Last but not least, it is always possible to ask the local community office at your place of residence whether there are also vacancies offered by companies in the area.
The employees are happy to provide information and refer you to the companies.